At CENTRAL-Van Nuys, we are inclusive, and we invite everyone, NO. MATTER. WHAT. to join us. We have folks who once were homeless, people who have served in the Peace Corps or with Habitat for Humanity, and those who have experienced incarceration, poverty, or other marginalization. We work side-by-side, and we empower our folks, and our clients for services. YOUR opportunity is to help provide resources - both financial and volunteer - to help these things grown and emerge in new ways in 2021.
We offer the following ways to partner with - and empower - our community to grow and advocate for their own needs:
Weekly Food Distribution - reaches one of the poorest communities in the San Fernando Valley
Community Garden - helping many of our neighbors grow healthy, organic foods to supplement their diets in this urban, food insecure area.
Food Kits for the Homeless - both emergency food and basic needs like socks & hygiene kits
Food Education - Classes in the Garden on Nutrition, Small Space Gardening and More!
Weekly Worship - with Bilingual, Intergenerational accessible on 1st & 3rd Sundays and Holy Days, we are finding new connections with our Divine Holy One, and with one one another. We are Christian, in the flavor of ELCA Lutheran - progressive, inclusive, inviting.
Women's Group - we gather for community, devotion, and growth.
Kids Program - supporting parents with games and activities (exercise), faith development (age-appropriate bible stories and songs), and community (we gather, we share, we support).
Men's Bible Study & Small Group - new this year! Fellowship, Fun, and Faith. May include some field trips once gathering is permitted. Scholarships available for materials and trips.
Everyone Grows Book Study Group - using books that test our faith and challenge our assumptions, we seek to help and support one another as we discover where God is leading us. Upcoming titles: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, So You Want to Talk About Race. Scholarships available for materials and trips.
SXLab Spiritual Experience Laboratory for Young Adults (Black, Indigenous, and other People Of Color are our client but all are welcome, and the internet offers this to the WORLD!) - talent invited, we plan to launch late Spring 2021.
Camp @ CENTRAL and Camp Nights - bringing fun, family and community together for the sake of the Gospel, we are the Church, for the sake of the world - A tradition since 2017, interrupted in 2021, some form will be back with social distancing and fresh air in 2021... Scholarships available and transportation provided for camps offsite.
English Classes - help our neighbors improve their job skills through language, and assist their children with homework. They build confidence and help US identify what our community needs now. Returning live in Fall 2021, funding permitting.
LatinX Bible Study in Base Cells - learning to put what we study into action, then advocacy - using proven study and community-building tools of the BCC/BCE movement in the Americas. Begins Fall 2021.